For Contracting

Ministry Of Foreign Affairs Project - Yemen

His Excellency the Prime Minister, Dr. Moeen Abdul-Malik, accompanied by His Excellency Foreign Minister Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak and the Governor of Aden Governorate Ahmed Lamlas, inspected during their field visit to the project of design & implementation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs building in Aden Governorate. This project is being implemented by Infra Construction Group represented by its regional office in Aden, Yemen.
The purpose of the visit was to review progress of the final implementation stages of the project. It is worth noting that the project is a building for the ministry with a total area of 4,000 square meters comprising of three floors and a roof with an approximate total area of 3,010 square meters and includes a suite for the minister, his deputies, offices for managers and employees in addition to meetings halls and other halls and facilities for the general public services.
The architectural finishes were made from high-quality building materials. The external facade of the building and internal facades of the courtyard were cladded with natural stone and marble. The main building and its annexes were equipped with advanced electromechanical systems. The finishing work included paving using local natural stones, erosion-resistant tiles in addition to landscaping, the fence and the main gates.