For Contracting

Well Drilling Project

HS Group for engineering and consultancy represented by as regional office in Yemen Infra Construction singed with the Saudi program for development and reconstruction of Yemen for digging three water wells in Hadibou and two in Qalansia in Soqatra Governorate in Yemen. The purpose of the project is to double the quantity of water currently produced
Engineer Osama Abu Ghanem the operations manager with HS Group said that digging the water wells is the first step of the Saudi Arabia program for the implementation of development and service projects in Soqatra Archipelago since water and electricity services are top priorities for the population. 
Eng. Osama Abu Ghanem added that the additional water wells will double the quantity of water produced and will provide both towns with the required quantity of water
It is worth mentioning that this is the first project of the Saudi program in Soqatra launched during the month of Ramadhan 2018.