For Contracting

Power Plant in Haidibu

Construction and Operation of Power Plant in the City Of Haidibu - Socotra.
Project’s Brief
 1- Generating Station 
 a. Three Power Generators with total capacity 3MW will be connected to work as one unit system 
 b. Lifting Adaptor (0.415/11kw) with a capacity of 3 MW 
 c. Key Ring (RUM.SF6) 630 A 
 d. Connecting Cables 630*1 mm2 medium voltage , 95*3 mm2 high voltage 
 e. Fuel tanks 
 2- Station Building 
 a. Metal Hanger 
 b. Concrete control system building 
 c. External Space for the adaptor and key ring 
 3- Power Supply System 
 Three MW separated power generation unit, 1 MW for every generator works for 6 months during the implementation of the main station