For Contracting

Hadibo Modern Slaughterhouse

Hadibo Modern Slaughterhouse Design-Build Project in Hadibo, Socotra

Project’s Brief
Design and Construction of a modern slaughterhouse for Hadibu city, Socotra  with a capacity of 125-150 sheep, 7-10 cattle and a cold store capacity of  25-35 sheep or equivalent. Slaughterhouse is fully equipped with modern facilities and installations.

The slaughterhouse is designed with the following capacities:
1. Sheep and goat slaughter line maximum capacity (125-150) per day;
2. Cattle slaughter line maximum capacity (7-10) per day;
3. Cold store’s capacity (25-35) sheep or equivalent;
4. Facility  for public and commercial uses;
5. Facility designed to accommodate future expansion.